Website Terms and Conditions of Use
Welcome to www.leoshouseofbagels.com (hereinafter “Website“). The Website is owned and operated by the company under the name “HOUSE OF BAGELS Private Company” (House of Bagels I.K.E.) with General Commercial Registry (GEMI) registration number 158788002000, tax identification number (AFM) 996861593 and registered offices at 7A Ioannou Prodromou Street & Dervenakion Street, Pallini, Attiki Prefecture, Greece (hereinafter “we” or “the Company”).
The use of this Website is subject to the below terms and conditions. The visitors are requested to read carefully and abide by these terms, otherwise in case of any disagreement, visitors shall refrain from using the content of this Website. By using this Website and any related information that is offered via the Website, the visitor agrees unconditionally to the present terms and conditions.
We will use the Personal Data of our Website visitors solely in accordance with our Privacy Notice which we encourage our visitor to read also here (https://leoshouseofbagels.com/privacy-policy/).
We undertake every effort to ensure that the content and information in this Website are characterized by, to the extent possible, accuracy, comprehensiveness, correctness, timeliness, and availability. However, the Company does not in any way represent or warrant the accuracy, comprehensiveness, correctness, timeliness, or non-breach of the Website’s content in relation to any use, application, or purpose.
The Website and any related content that is made available via the Website is provided “as is”. Even though the Company undertakes all efforts, to the extent possible, to prevent the appearance of “viruses” or other malware on the Website, the Company makes no representation whatsoever that the webpage will be provided without interruptions or deficiencies. The Company assumes no responsibility for any loss of data or any other kind of damages that the visitor/user or third parties may suffer from the use/copy/download or alteration or “viruses” infection or other prohibited third parties’ interventions on records and information that is made available via the Website.
Each visitor is responsible to undertake all appropriate security measures (e.g. use of firewalls for malware attacks) prior to any downloading from this Website. By using and browsing this Website, each user explicitly accepts that this use is carried out on his/her own risk and that each user assumes full responsibility and bears all costs for any restoration or repair of any equipment he/she uses for the use of the Website.
In addition, the Company assumes no responsibility in case of temporary unavailability of the Website or disruption of certain or all its functionalities or applications or for any dysfunction or technical issues that may appear.
Moreover, the Company does not make any representation or warranty for any other website that the visitor/user may select to access through the Website. Any links to other websites that may be available at the Website are only for the visitor’ s convenience and it shall not be assumed that the Company accepts in any way these websites or their content. Therefore, in relation to the visit or use of such third parties’ websites, the visitors shall abide by the terms of use of those websites and shall address any issue directly to the respective third party providers.
Lastly, the Company does not warrant that this Website is compatible with the computer, material, or software of any user.
The copyright of the content on this Website, including indicatively and not restrictively, any documents, records, texts, services, products, trademarks, distinctive titles, images, photographs, graphics, equipment contained thereto, as well as the general image of the Website, consist of either intellectual or industrial property of the Company or have been assigned to the Company by virtue of a license from the respective owners to use at the Website.
Apart from the exceptions that are explicitly referred to below or as otherwise may be required by the applicable law, any and all content, trademarks, copyrights or any part of the Website cannot be used in any way, reproduced, duplicated, transferred, resold, contested, amended or become otherwise subject to any exploitation, in whole or in part, for any reason whatsoever and without the prior written consent of the Company or of the beneficiary of the respective trademark, corporate name or service brand or copyright.
Removal of any notice on copyright or trademark or other related right relating to material that may be copied or printed from the Website, is also prohibited.
Except as otherwise provided in these terms of use, the Company grants the Website visitors/users a limited license of access and use the Website by which the visitors/users are allowed to make solely private and non-commercial use of the Website’s content within the limits set by law, good faith, business morals and ethics.
The Website visitors/users accept and undertake to make lawful use of this Website. Indicatively and not restrictively, the visitors/users commit themselves that by using the Website they shall not act in any way that prevents or invalidates the smooth / lawful use by other users of the Website and of any other connected websites, or that misleads any third party regarding the origin of the Website content or that the Company’s reputation is damaged in any way.
In the context of this use, any alteration, or any kind of intervention on the Website’s content or software, as well as any other attempt to damage or affect its functionality, is strictly forbidden.
Moreover, the removal, duplication and further use part of or whole of the Website content by means of data mining, software of type “robots”, “spiders” or “crawlers” and similar methods of collecting or removing data, or the insertion of malware files and programs that are designed to destroy or restrict the functionality of any software or telecommunications equipment or to prevent other users to use our Website, is strictly forbidden. It is also not permitted to install by any means marketing or spam messages of any form.
The creation and/or publication by any visitor of data base containing material or non-material parts of the Website content is also not allowed without our explicit and written permission.
It is also prohibited for the visitor to make any use of any meta tag or other hidden text making use of any such trademarks or corporate brands or service marks without our prior written and explicit consent.
In case the visitor carries out any act or behavior that is illegal or in breach of these terms or of the applicable law regarding the use of the Website, the visitor shall indemnify the Company for any positive and cumulative damage that the Company may suffer from such act or behavior.
The Company maintains the right to amend the form and content of this Website at any time by uploading the relevant changes on the Website as of when such changes become effective. The Company may also suspend the operation of the Website in order to carry out support or maintenance, or to update the content or for any other reason. Lastly, the Company maintains the right to disable access to this Website at any time and without notice.
The present Terms constitute the entire agreement between us with relation to the use of the Website by visitors.
The Company reserves all right to amend the present Terms at any time by uploading the relevant amended text on the Website, as of when such changes become effective. By using the Website, the visitor is deemed to accept present Terms and Conditions of Use.
The invalidity of a provision of these Terms d shall in no way affect the validity of the remaining provisions.
The Company reserves the right to revoke without notice any right that may have been previously granted via these Terms.
We encourage our Website users to regularly visit these Terms so to be informed of any changes.
The Website may, now or in the future, contain advertisements of our business or of third-party businesses, as well as present other material of advertising content, purpose, and nature.
With regards to advertisement of third parties, the Company does not perform any checks of the content of these ads and thus assumes no responsibility whatsoever towards its users for the content of such advertisements and any unlawful actions or omissions, inaccuracies, or failure of the respective third parties to comply with the laws and regulations of any country or of the European Union concerning the content of such ads. Liability in this respect may be sought only from the businesses featured in these ads or sponsors and/or creators of any such marketing material.
The present Terms, and any amendment hereof are governed by and interpreted in accordance with laws of Greece. Any disputes are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Athens, Greece.
For any enquiry or clarification concerning this Website and the Terms and Conditions, you may contact us by email at info@houseofbagels.gr or by phone at 2106664160.
- Ioannou Prodromou 7A & Dervenakion 15351 Pallini, Greece
- +30 210 66 64 160
Leo’s House of Bagels
Authentic New York City Bagels
Baked in Greece